Hearing and Visual Impairment

Lothian are committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment in which disabled individuals, families and anyone with additional access needs can feel confident and safe.

Hearing and visual impairment

Lothian’s Driver Training Academy work in partnership with RNIB Scotland and Guide Dogs Scotland to ensure that all of our drivers receive training on how best to assist customers who are Blind or partially sighted.

All of our push bells are tactile and embossed with braille and handrails are in high contrasting colours for the best possible visibility. Our newest buses have been fitted with ‘Dementia Friendly Flooring’ which makes navigating the inside of bus easier for anyone with reduced sight. The majority of buses are fitted with media screens providing visual and audio ‘Next Stop’ information and a hearing loop for customers using hearing devices.

Our priority seating is designed with assistance dog users in mind, allowing space for both you and your dog to sit together.

Smart support

Our app has been designed with accessibility in mind, using focus groups of Blind and partially sighted and Deaf and hard of hearing customers. The accessibility features in the app are designed to better accommodate the needs of visually-impaired customers. You can find out more about these features here.

On social media, for those who rely on screen reader technology, posts with photos are shared with ‘alt text’ and hashtags are always capitalised to ensure our content is inclusive and accessible to all.

Timetable assistance

If you require any of our timetables in large print, please contact us our Customer Service Team who can arrange to have one sent out to you free of charge. Alternatively, visit one of our Travelhubs and a member of our team will print one off for you there and then.

thistle assistance logo

If you need extra help to make your journey, the Thistle Assistance Card is available to assist anyone who has difficulty using public transport because of age, disability or illness.

This can be especially useful for individuals with a hidden disability to discreetly alert drivers to their additional needs.

To find out more about this free scheme visit www.thistleassistance.com

woman saying here to help

We are here to help

Lothian acknowledge and support the fact that not all disabilities are visible and our customers should be able to travel free from judgement. We aim to create a culture of inclusion across Edinburgh and hope all of our customers support us by showing patience and kindness to each other and our colleagues. If you require any additional support with your journey planning or any aspect of your travel with us, please contact our dedicated Accessibility team via email to [email protected]

Your safety is our priority

Lothian believe that our colleagues and customers have the right to travel without receiving any form of abuse.

Lothian have signed up to the Hate Crime Charter which has been developed by Disability Equality Scotland in partnership with Transport Scotland, the South-East Scotland Transport Partnership (SESTran), People First (Scotland), Police Scotland and British Transport Police.

Lothian operate a zero-tolerance policy towards any physical or verbal abuse directed at our colleagues or customers, and CCTV and audio recording is in operation on all of our buses.

If you wish to bring anything to our attention or provide us with any feedback, please contact our Customer Support Department.

If you witness or are a victim of any crime on board our buses, please bring this to the attention of the driver and call 101/999.

In partnership with RNIB, Deaf Action, Guide Dogs Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland